
Introduction:An accurate non-invasive method of determining the cause, degree, and problems of portal hypertension is ultrasound doppler. Using ultrasonic Doppler, the varied spectrum of results, flow metric variations, and portosystemic collaterals may be precisely investigated. Aims And Objectives: To study various hemodynamic changes (using colour Doppler) in portal hypertension,to evaluate spectrum of sonographic findings in portal hypertension and to detect the various complications of portal hypertension and identify various collaterals. MaterialsandMethods:Atotalof40patientsreferredtotheDepartmentofRadiodiagnosis,Narayana MedicalCollege and Hospital with clinically diagnosed portal hypertension, in a period from January2022 toSeptember 2022 weresubjectedforthestudy.ThepatientswerestudiedusingcolorDopplercoupled ultrasoundmachine.Collecteddatawasanalysedfordescriptivestatistics. Results: The mean age of patients was 43 years. Therewere 29 males and 11females in this study..Splenomegalywasnotedin90%casesandascites in 85%. Portal vein was dilated in 53% cases.Hepatopetalflowwasnotedinmajority(65%)ofthecases.Lossofrespiratoryphasicityofportalveinwasnoted in 80 % cases. Collateralswerenotedin75.5%ofthe cases, most common being the splenorenal collateralswhichwereseenin92.5 %ofcases. Conclusion: The aetiology, severity, and consequences of portal hypertension can all be accurately determined with ultrasound doppler, which is a non-invasive modality Using ultrasonic Doppler, it is possible to precisely study the various spectrum of discoveries, flow metric variations, and portosystemic collaterals.

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