
The influence of temperature, pH, the presence or absence of light, the presence or absence of oxygen and the presence or absence of tannic acid on the colour stability of anthocyanins from crude extract of Isabel grapes ( Vitis labrusca L.) in food and model systems was studied. The spectrophotometric results (Δ λ, Δ A) revealed interaction between the anthocyanins of the crude extract and tannic acid, suggesting copigmentation. In a model system, temperature, pH, the presence or absence of light, the presence or absence of oxygen and the presence or absence of tannic acid, significantly affected the half-life time of anthocyanins. The long half-time of the anthocyanins from Isabel grapes in a yoghurt model system indicates that these pigments are relatively stable in this food. In a rehydrated beverage model system at 4±1 °C, the presence of tannic acid (1:1, w/v) increased the half-life time by 187 h compared to the control samples.

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