
In the article, the author raises the problems of «colored» and «velvet» revolutions that rolled around the world at the end of the XX in the early XXI century. It took more than 30 years since won the first revolutions, so many researchers study this issue. After analyzing the latest works of domestic and foreign authors, the author notes the reasons for revolutionary events and calls the main positive and negative consequences. The article emphasizes that the researchers evaluate the social performances in different ways: some consider them revolutions, and some political ciphers or compromises, etc. Also mentioned by the ideologue of these revolutions – the American political scientist Gin Sharp, and his work «From Dictatorship to Democracy,» in which he developed a strategy of non-violent coups, to collapse the USSR, the establishment of democratic regimes all over the world like the United States. After analyzing it, the author of the article argues that it is only a stage in the modern geopolitics of globalization. It is noted that globalists in general work on the elimination of national states. So all these revolutions are at a certain stage in the general world process. According to the results of revolutions, in the first place, you can see the formation of colonial territories with the same legislative, similar problems, a weak economy, chaotic political situation. And as a result of the destruction of traditional societies and weakening of national states. «Colored Revolutions» have become a permanent phenomenon in such states. Each of them is accompanied by certain human victims, but a large number is gaining. So, it is necessary to demonstrate transparent statistics and make the necessary lessons.

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