
Abstract The experimental design was a RCB design with four replications and 8 treatments. Drenching doses were 0 (two controls per block), 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 ounces of Admire 2F per acre equivalence of bedding trays. The diluted drench was applied to individual cells of bedding trays using a pipetted volume of one ml per plant. In addition, a drench treatment of 16 fluid oz of Admire was applied in the transplant water. Plot size for each treatment combination was one row 20 feet long (20 tomato plants) with rows spaced 64 inches apart. Plots were planted 14 May. After transplanting, weekly counts were made of egg clusters, early larvae (first/second instars), late larvae (third/fourth instars), live adults, and dead adults on the ground. Percent defoliation was recorded per plant at two times. Plots were harvested and graded on 8 Aug.

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