Although the RGB space is accepted to represent colors, it is not adequate for color processing. In related works the colors are usually mapped to other color spaces more suitable for color processing, but it may imply an important computational load because of the non-linear operations involved to map the colors between spaces; nevertheless, it is common to find in the state-of-the-art works using the RGB space. In this paper we introduce an approach for color image segmentation, using the RGB space to represent and process colors; where the chromaticity and the intensity are processed separately, mimicking the human perception of color, reducing the underlying sensitiveness to intensity of the RGB space. We show the hue of colors can be processed by training a self-organizing map with chromaticity samples of the most saturated colors, where the training set is small but very representative; once the neural network is trained it can be employed to process any given image without training it again. We create an intensity channel by extracting the magnitudes of the color vectors; by using the Otsu method, we compute the threshold values to divide the intensity range in three classes. We perform experiments with the Berkeley segmentation database; in order to show the benefits of our proposal, we perform experiments with a neural network trained with different colors by subsampling the RGB space, where the chromaticity and the intensity are processed jointly. We evaluate and compare quantitatively the segmented images obtained with both approaches. We claim to obtain competitive results with respect to related works.
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