
The program that displays the user's desired print color is called color recognition technology. It compares the color codes that the program already provides with the image whose colors we want to know. Let's begin by asking, We are aware of a disability that is very common in humans called "color blindness." Though it is very common in humans, most people can live with it because, as long as you don't think too much about the colors, it won't affect your overall performance. The future is self- driving vehicles that require color recognition to make road travel simple. It is true that no one has seen the future, that currently there is no cure for color blindness. How ever is always small). The program compares the R, G, and B values of colors to those in the image. After that, the name of the color is shown to the user in a way that is easy for them to see. This system can help normal people, especially men, understand colors, so it could be very useful. It could also be used to connect this system to goggles or specs and helmets for motorcycle drivers. These things may not seem like they would be of any use right now to most people, but those who suffer from it probably find Because it will help them recognize the color (even if they won't see it, they'll still be able to recognize it). Therefore, it is straightforward to assert that the implementation of this program will benefit a large number of individuals. Asa result, the program is designed with very low sensitivity and is equipped with a large number of colors to provide many comparisons and a very small chance of getting a wrong color or a missing color. This program makes use of OpenCV. Keywords: Color Blindness, RGB Values, OpenCV.

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