
Dr Fitzpatrick has done it again! In addition to his editorial contributions, to what many dermatology residents and staff consider the definitive textbook of dermatology ( Dermatology in General Medicine , edited by Thomas B. Fitzpatrick et al, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1979), he has now collaborated with Drs Polano and Suurmond in producing a valuable, yet reasonably priced, addition to the dermatologic education of medical students. Despite his exhaustive research endeavors, he has always retained the enviable ability to convey his thoughts in a comprehensible manner to even the medical neophyte. As such, he and his collaborators have produced an excellent synopsis and atlas of clinical dermatology tailored to the needs of the medical student pursuing basic dermatologic education. The text consists of a concise discussion of the most common dermatologic conditions, followed by appropriate visual reinforcement with high-quality color illustrations. I am particularly pleased with the outline format in

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