
Encrusting forms presumably represent the original mode of growth in the bryozoans. They usually exhibit a relatively low degree of colony integration. The numerous different erect colony types, certainly independently derived from this stage, show a higher degree of integration. Eventually forms arise with a strict pattern only little influenced by the environment. The Flustra foliacea colony holds an intermediate position in this respect. It forms an initial crust on a foreign substratum such as rock. The crust forms marginal lobes. The lobes collide two and two. The two components of each collision then rise back to back, owing to lack of space, into bilaminar fronds. The two zooid layers composing these erect branches and mutually encrusting the “auto-substratum” of their respective basal walls, grow much more rapidly than the initial crust on the “heterosubstratum” of the rock to finally comprise more than 95 % of the colony volume. The different rate of growth on “auto-” and “heterosubstratum” respectively is interpreted as indicating a preference for the “autosubstratum” and as the main force in the formation of erect branches. The Fl. foliacea case indicates one of the pathways from encrusting to erect colonies in the bryozoans. It is probably valid for at least some of the erect bilaminar colonies appearing in different parts of the bryozoan system.

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