
Acknowledgments 1. The space in between: and introduction - Lynette Russell 2. The Northern Cape frontier zone in South African frontier historiography - Nigel Penn 3. Time after time: Temporal frontiers and boundaries in colonial images of the Australian landscape - Rod Macnell 4. Antipodean heathens: The London Missionary society in Polynesia and Australia, 1800-1850 - Anna Johnston 5. Martyrs and messengers: Benjamin Franklin and the American frontier, the Moravians, and the nature of reason - Ron Southern 6. The fluid frontier: Central Queensland 1845 -1863 - Luke Godwin 7. 'The final legal frontier': The Treaty of Waitangi and the creation of legal boundaries between Maori and Pakeha in New Zealand society - Grant Morris 8. Handkerchief diplomacy: E.J. Eyre and sexual politics on the South Australian frontier - Kay Schaffer 9. Beyond the frontier: possibilities and precariousness along Australia's southern coast - Juile Evans 10. Torres Strait Islanders and the maritime frontier in early colonial Australia - Ian J. McNiven 11. Nomadic landscapes and the colonial frontier: The problem of nomadism in German South West Africa - John K. Noyes 12. All's not quiet on the Western Front - rethinking resistance and frontiers in Aboriginal historiography - Nathan Wolsk index

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