
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes 1. J. Wallach Scott, ‘Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis’, American Historical Review, Vol.91, No.5 (Dec. 1986), pp.1053–75. 2. R. Lewis, Gendering Orientalism: Race, Femininity and Representation (London and New York: Routledge, 1996); R. Lewis, Rethinking Orientalism: Women, Travel and the Ottoman Harem (London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2004), B. Melman, Women's Orients: English Women and the Middle East, 1718–1918: Sexuality, Religion and Work (Aldershot: MacMillan, 1992); N. Chaudhuri and M. Strobel (eds.), Western Women and Imperialism: Complicity and Resistance (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1992). 3. Gayatri Spivak argues that colonialism (and neo-colonialism of post-colonial studies) can be often reduced to the ideal equation of ‘white men saving brown women from brown men’. G.C. Spivak, ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’, in C. Nelson and L. Grossberg (eds.), Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture (London: MacMillan, 1988), p.296. 4. The latter case, of resistance by the women in the sewing group, is one of the few examples of Palestinian voices Stockdale includes in earlier chapters of her book. Stockdale [127]. 5. For example, E. Said, Out of Place: A Memoir (London: Granta Books, 1999) and W.M. Cortas, A World I Loved: The Story of an Arab Woman (New York: Nation Books, 2009). 6. P. Bourdieu, Pascalian Meditations, trans. Richard Nice (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2000), pp. 159–63.

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