
AbstractThe tiny neutrino masses and non-zero mixings are among the most pressing physically observed phenomenons to motivate exploration beyond the framework of the Standard Model(SM). Here, we discuss a part of a collider testable radiative seesaw model explaining the generation of the tiny neutrino masses and mixings. This model’s most remarkable feature is that it doesn’t demand any Adhoc symmetry to be imposed except the SM symmetry group to avoid tree-level contributions in seesaws. The particle spectrum expanded with isospin doublet and singlet scalars and fermions of the TeV level mass scale to realize the Weinberg operator at 1-loop level results in multi-charged particles. Production, decay, and collider phenomenology of the doubly charged fermions were explored after putting constraints from the neutrino oscillation data and the absolute neutrino mass. The photo-production channel is also considered in addition to the Drell Yan channel for productions.KeywordsRadiative neutrino massPhoto-fusionMulti lepton signatureLHC

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