
We examined college student reactions to a statewide public smoke-free policy, campus policies and private restrictions through an online survey among 2260 students at a 2-year college and a university and 12 focus groups among smokers. Among survey participants, 34.6% smoked in the past month (35.0% daily, 65.0% non-daily). Correlates of receptivity to public policies included attending the university, not living with smokers and non-smoker status (versus daily and non-daily smoking). Correlates of receptivity to outdoor campus policies included being a university student, unmarried, without children, from homes where parents banned indoor smoking and a non-smoker. Correlates of having home restrictions included not living with smokers, no children, parents banning indoor smoking and non-smoker status. Correlates of having car restrictions included attending the university, not living with smokers, having children, parents banning indoor smoking and non-smoker status. Qualitative findings indicated support for smoke-free policies in public (albeit greater support for those in restaurants versus bars) and on campus. Participants reported concern about smokers' and bar/restaurant owners' rights, while acknowledging several benefits. Overall, 2-year college students and smokers (non-daily and daily) were less supportive of smoke-free policies.

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