
Pscyhoactive chemical use, abuse, and dependence often serve as false detours or roadblocks to the development of college students. Chemical abuse consultation to the young person struggling with a normal developmental hurdle of late adolescence, or struggling with a normal developmental hurdle of late adolescence, or struggling with pathology brought to or occuring at that time, can be extremely rewarding. not only can it prevent the development of short- or long-term chemical abuse but it also can be an ice breaker to a destructive development crisis. Knowledge of the individual and group psychodynamics of chemical abuse, and the developmental issues of late adolescence and early adulthood, is essential to providing such a consultation. Preparedness for the problems and crises of student substance abuse requires, in the college community, a set of attitudes, awareness, compassion, structure, support, and service systems that address substance use and abuse as an expected but uninformed and potentially destructive effort of a student to address a developmental challenge.

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