
Green's functions of phonons for many-boson systems at high density are obtained from the phonon Hamiltonian given in a previous paper on the basis of the coherent-state repre­ sentation. A dispersion equation derived from these Green's functions gives rise to the excitation spectrum leading to the Feynman energy in the low-momentum limit. It is shown that the dynamic structure function obtained here satisfies the sum rules in the low-momentum limit. As an illustrative example, the one-dimensional Lieb-Liniger model is considered. The relationships to the previous theories, in particular, to the velocity field approach of Yamasaki, Kebukawa and Sunakawa and to our density and phase operator approach are elucidated by the use of a unitary transformation. Discussion will be made on the D-wave portion of the roton-roton interaction in relation to the resonance state of roton pair studied in one of our previous papers. Finally, it is pointed out that the zeroth Fourier transform of the phase operator is related to the superfluid velocity in the two-fluid theory of liquid helium II.

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