
Today, the world is witnessing an unparalleled escalation in terrorist operations, in which civilians of all ages are often victims, and perhaps what Iraq witnessed in the recent period of terrorist operations carried out by ISIS and accepted by al-Qaeda is the best evidence of that, so in the absence of ability The perpetrators of these crimes must pay compensation for many reasons. Either because the perpetrator of these crimes is unknown or has been killed, the primary responsibility for compensation lies with the state, as it is obligated to compensate the victims for the damage they sustained as a result of terrorist operations, and we have indicated in this letter To the issue of the state’s responsibility in compensation and its amount, as well as to address the collective mechanisms of compensation(Insurance and Guarantee Funds), which we focused on in an integrated chapter, and which we call on the Iraqi legislator to explicitly adopt them by stipulating them in the laws because these mechanisms have a very important role in compensating the victims of terrorist crimes as they urgently replace the perpetrator of the crime in the face of the victim and this is limited The same constitutes an important guarantee in ensuring compensation for those affected by terrorist crimes.

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