
http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7984.2017v16n35p403Os viticultores que enfrentam a transição em direção da agricultura orgânica apoiam-se fortemente em redes informais de conselho entre parceiros. Pouca atenção tem sido dada até agora ao impacto dos valores dos agentes no processo de aprendizado coletivo, ainda que a literatura tenha demonstrado que os valores cumprem um papel importante tanto na transição ecológica (Lamine et al. 2009) como no intercambio de conselhos informais (Nahapiet et al. 1998). O presente artigo examina o efeito dos valores ecológicos dos agentes numa rede completa composta por um mileu profissional de mais de 60 viticultores orgânicos e biodinâmicos da região de Borgonha, na França. Mediante exponential random graph models, são analisados não só os valores dos viticultores, como também seu contexto relacional mais amplo, com a presença de subestruturas de transitividade e a existência de relações pre-existentes que podem influenciar a rede de conselhos. Os resultados mostram que os valores dos viticultores influem na seleção de colegas aos quais se demandam conselhos. Dois processos de aprendizado simultâneos têm sido identificados: o primeiro está caracterizado pela colaboração mutua entre viticultores que tem uma grande experiência e compartilham os mesmos valores ecológicos. O segundo processo está associado com um processo de socialização que conduz à transmissão das normas sociais deste mileu.


  • Wine producers facing the transition to organic farming rely widely on networks of informal advice sharing among peers

  • For Newig et al (2010) and Argyris (1982) as well, the actors take into account their relational context in their actions, in what the authors call double loop learning. is is a type of learning that implies not just a transfer of information, but a re ection of the interrelations among actors and the goals of the action themselves. is paper explores, through empirical study, the link between individuals in a learning process leading to the adoption of green practices and their relational context, more speci cally the e ect of individuals’ values in the selection mechanism (ROBINS et al, 2001)

  • E main purpose of this paper is to evaluate if wine producers’ values have an e ect on the selection of their colleagues from whom they get advice in order to get appropriate information when they face problematic technical decisions (NAHAPIET et al, 1998; LAZEGA et al, 2012). e analysis takes into account the characteristics of wine producers and their organizations, and a broader relational context including triadic substructures like transitivity (MONGE et al, 2003) and the presence of preexisting relations that may have an in uence on the creation od advice ties LAZEGA, 1999). is study is about the professional milieuof organic and biodynamic wine producersin the high-end terroir of Côte de Beaune in Burgundy Region, France

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Wine producers facing the transition to organic farming rely widely on networks of informal advice sharing among peers. Lazega (2001, 2003) argues that actors in an organized setting do obtain information from their peers when they ask for advice, but that they take part ina broader strategy to modify to their advantage the structure of social relations in which they participate. From this perspective, actors are involved in status competition and the search for reference groups where they can in the long run exchange resources with other actors in a privileged way. Darré (1994) and Compagnone (2004) argue that taking into account the position of farmers in social networks helps us to understand farmers’ work and how their agronomic practices are socially contextualized

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