
Collective excitations are one of the most common and interesting features of many-body systems. Of particular interest are those collective modes which can be interpreted in terms of vibrations. Nuclei show a large variety of such modes, both low-lying and high-lying. In particular the giant dipole resonance is due to the coherent motion of protons against neutrons. Its analogue in metal clusters is the dipole plasmon excitation, due to the oscillation of electrons against the positive ions. The Random Phase Approximation (RPA) is extensively used as a microscopic theory to study the basic properties of these collective excitations. In the derivation of RPA use is made of the Quasi Boson Approximation (QBA). It consists in replacing the expectation values in the correlated ground state with those in the uncorrelated (Hartree-Fock) one. Strictly related to QBA is the feature of RPA of predicting a harmonic spectrum. On the other hand, the existence of anharmonicities in the multiphonon spectra of nuclei and their relevance in various physical processes are well established. Overcoming QBA has represented the starting point of many attempts aiming at improving RPA. A recently developed approach in this line will be presented and discussed. A very nice property of RPA is to satisfy Energy Weighted Sum Rules (EWSR). However, some violations are present in several extensions of RPA. We will show how to cure this shortcoming.

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