
Cultural diversity is valuable for a region, including Aceh's cultural diversity. This is because culture has the impression of a message characteristic of the area and is the root source of historical writing. The values contained in local cultural wisdom are important as pillars of maintaining and building national character. The facts show that most young people today prefer and like to apply foreign cultural habits. Even foreign culture is a dominant mode that young people learn and play. It is feared that this phenomenon will affect the existence and extinction of local culture. One way to maintain local culture is to preserve culture through local content. This research aims to provide information and evaluation material for stakeholders, especially the Aceh government, to protect Acehnese culture. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive design. The data used are primary data through observation and secondary data through various relevant references. The study results show that Aceh has a unique and exciting cultural diversity such as meugang, khanduri maulod or khanduri pang ulee, the Tulak Bala tradition, khanduri blang, ranup lamp dance, seudati, rapai geleng, peusijuek, and various other cultures. These cultural treasures need special attention. One of them is local content, which starts with the collection, presentation, processing, preservation, and utilization. Through this policy, it is believed to be able to maintain, care for, and maintain the existence of local culture so that its authenticity is maintained, realized by utilizing existing libraries, starting from the regional library to the local library as a place to accommodate various local cultural documentation in the form of books, documentaries as well as ebooks.

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