
Let $G$ be a graph on the vertex set $V$. A vertex subset $W \subseteq V$ is a cover of $G$ if $V \setminus W$ is an independent set of $G$, and $W$ is a non-cover of $G$ if $W$ is not a cover of $G$. The non-cover complex of $G$ is a simplicial complex on $V$ whose faces are non-covers of $G$. Then the non-cover complex of $G$ is the combinatorial Alexander dual of the independence complex of $G$. Aharoni asked if the non-cover complex of a graph $G$ without isolated vertices is $(|V(G)|-i\gamma(G)-1)$-collapsible where $i\gamma(G)$ denotes the independence domination number of $G$. Extending a result by the second author, who verified Aharoni's question in the affirmative for chordal graphs, we prove that the answer to the question is yes for all graphs.


  • A cover of G is a subset W of the vertices such that V (G) \ W is an independent set of G; in other words, W contains an endpoint of every edge of G

  • I(G) := {I ⊆ V (G) : I is an independent set of G}, and the non-cover complex N C(G) of G, which is a simplicial complex defined as

  • Our main result connects the collapsibility of the noncover complex and the independence domination number of the associated graph

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Our main result connects the collapsibility of the noncover complex and the independence domination number of the associated graph. The collapsibility of non-cover complexes of graphs is related to the topological connectivity of independence complexes. As a consequence of Theorem 1 and the Alexander duality theorem (see [6, 15]) we obtain that for every graph G with at least one edge, the reduced homology group of the non-cover complex of G satisfies. If G is a graph with no isolated vertices, is it true that the non-cover complex of G is (|V (G)| − iγ(G) − 1)-collapsible?.

Minimal exclusion sequences
Proof of Theorem 3
Concluding remarks
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