
The increasingly growing popularity of the collaboration among researchers and the increasing information overload in big scholarly data make it imperative to develop a collaborator recommendation system for researchers to find potential partners. Existing works always study this task as a link prediction problem in a homogeneous network with a single object type (i.e., author) and a single link type (i.e., co-authorship). However, a real-world academic social network often involves several object types, e.g., papers, terms, and venues, as well as multiple relationships among different objects. This paper proposes a RWR-CR (standing for random walk with restart-based collaborator recommendation) algorithm in a heterogeneous bibliographic network towards this problem. First, we construct a heterogeneous network with multiple types of nodes and links with a simplified network structure by removing the citing paper nodes. Then, two importance measures are used to weight edges in the network, which will bias a random walker’s behaviors. Finally, we employ a random walk with restart to retrieve relevant authors and output an ordered recommendation list in terms of ranking scores. Experimental results on DBLP and hep-th datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our methodology and its promising performance in collaborator prediction.

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