
Effectively managing the collaboration of many annotators is a crucial ingredient for the success of larger annotation projects. For collaboration, web-based tools offer a low-entry way gathering annotations from distributed contributors. While the management structure of annotation tools is more or less stable across projects, the kind of annotations vary widely between projects. The challenge for web-based tools for multi-layer text annotation is to combine ease of use and availability through the web with maximal flexibility regarding the types and layers of annotations. In this chapter, we outline requirements for web-based annotation tools in detail and review a variety of tools in respect to these requirements. Further, we discuss two web-based multi-layer annotation tools in detail: GATE Teamware and WebAnno. While differing in some aspects, both tools largely fulfill the requirements for today’s web-based annotation tools. Finally, we point out further directions, such as increased schema flexibility and tighter integration of automation for annotation suggestions.

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