
The Collaborative Seismic Environment Plan (CSEP) project was formed in 2018 by NERA (National Energy Resources Australia) and an industry consortium of marine seismic acquisition operators and exploration titleholders. Using a collaborative approach, the vision of the CSEP project was to streamline seismic survey environment plan preparation, submission and assessment by the regulator (National Offshore Petroleum Environmental and Safety Authority, NOPSEMA), with an emphasis on mutually agreed protocols with commercial fishers operating within the CSEP Operational Area. Stakeholder consultation undertaken during Environmental Plan (EP) preparation was identified by the consortium as a principal cause for concern and a common reason for unsuccessful EP submissions. The CSEP project has achieved the project’s vision through: A Commercial Fishing Industry Adjustment Protocol to provide a standardised, evidence-based process to assess and provide monetary adjustment to commercial fishers for loss of catch, displacement and gear loss/damage; an Operational Protocol to provide guidance regarding improved communications with commercial fishers, including the spatial and temporal repetition and advanced notifications of seismic activities; a single overarching approvals framework for seismic activities within the CSEP Operational Area; a consistent assessment of environmental receptors, potential impacts, and management controls for seismic activities; and Improved understanding of potential cumulative impacts of seismic activities across the CSEP Operational Area. The CSEP project is an example of best practice stakeholder consultation that can be applied to offshore oil and gas and renewable energy activities.

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