
BACKGROUND: This research originated from empirical phenomena which showed that the result of communal land policies was not beneficial to indigenous people and led to lawsuits of interest groups and representatives of indigenous people. OBJECTIVE: This research examines the policy network in the policy-making process of communal land in Riau Province. We analysed the relationship between actors and each interest it carries to affect the policy process either in the policy implementation or policy formulation. METHODS: This research uses the qualitative approach with a case study method. This is an empirical inquiry that investigates phenomena in real life contexts where the boundaries between phenomena and contexts do not appear explicitly or clearly and makes use of various sources of evidence. RESULTS: The findings of the study show that although the composition of actors in communal land policy making in Riau Province have been heterogeneous, there are still limitations in identifying crucial issues faced by indigenous people. Meanwhile, there is also a change in the policy network at the stage of finalization and decision making which is limited to public actors or government. CONCLUSION: This study presented that the collaborative policy network determines the results of communal land policies in Riau Province. Collaborative policy network is not created, so policy outcomes are only determined by actors who are dominant in the policy network.

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