
Kasa island, with an area of 52.80 Ha, was declared a KBA in the Wallacea region with the staut of wildlife sanctuary and Ocean Tourist Reserve because of its particular biodiversity and its service to the environment. This research aimed to determine the social, biophysical potential and the threats to the region, as well as to explore a collaborative management. The methods used included survey, spatial analysis of the vegetation and Focus Discussion Groups (FDG). The results showed a variety index level of 1.37%. The dominant tree species were belo hitam, salamuli daun besar and kayu besi pantai. The belo hitam species had the highest INP. The wildlife sanctuary is the habitat of the Gosong Maluku bird (Eulipoa and Megapodis), an endemic species called Gosong Maluku (Euliopa wallacei). Other species include Gosong Kelam (megapodius freycinet). The coastline with its white sand and natural ocean is a tourist attraction with development potential. The strategy which needs to be developed is by using strengths to take advantage of opportunities so they can overcome weaknesses and threats. the strategies developed are as follows: Collaborative Management; Strengthening The Capacity of Local Community and Formulation of regional policy regarding Kasa Island management

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