
This chapter discusses the implementation of a collaborative active learning (CAL) strategy, namely role-play in International Financial Management (IFM); a second-year finance unit taught in blended learning mode at the School of Business, Monash University Malaysia in the first semester of 2021. The CAL strategy implemented in this chapter is a business strategy pitch assessment that can be considered an active learning strategy because it simulates the approach taken by a consulting firm. The CAL strategy had students forming groups and playing the role of business consultants aiming to assist a company operating internationally by formulating business strategies related to the company’s operations and financial management. Conducting the active learning strategy in a group setting allowed students to construct knowledge and experience collaborative problem-solving. Before implementing the CAL strategy, the lecturer carefully scaffolded the unit materials to address the different stages of the experiential learning cycle. As the role-play progressed, the students applied the knowledge and skills they acquired from the unit to provide the firm with recommendations on financial management. Overall, the CAL strategy was well-accepted by the students and assisted them in achieving the unit’s learning outcomes.

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