
In South Africa, Education policy documents abound with statements promoting scientific and technology literacy (DoE, 2002). In spite of this demand, a global trend is developing which reveals a sharp decline in students who are interested in the natural sciences (Areepattamannil, Freeman & Klinger, 2010). In an effort to increase students’ interest in Science, various mechanisms are employed both nationally and internationally. Also, the effective, contextually related implementation of Natural Sciences in the Foundation, Intermediate and Senior schooling phases is a problematic that is presently being researched, and programmes for the professional development of student teachers are being revised to respond to this issue. The re-curriculation of all programmes at UKZN, School of Education re-focuses our efforts in curriculum design on how to teach Natural Sciences in schools, in preparing learners for the 21st century. Our current countries’ responses to external testing TIMMS bears strong evidence for a need to intervene and explore avenues to effectively engaging Natural Sciences teachers and researchers in tertiary institutions on actions to be planned and implemented. In these initiatives an important aspect to consider is the role of teachers as they are regarded as the change agents in any education system. In exploring teacher intervention initiatives, Dr Angela James applied to the National Research Foundation for funding to invite Prof. (HP) Dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas, Director of the Scientia Socialis, Chairman of the Scientific Methodical Centre “Scientia Educologic, and Professor and Head researcher at Šiauliai University, Lithuania to South Africa.

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