
The national center of agricultural and forest technology (CENTA), through its unit of phytogenetic resources, under took a collecting survey of annonacea species in 1998, with the objective of exploring, collect, characterize and establish collections in the experimental stations. This survey was carried out at a national level visiting properties and markets. Evaluated traits for fruits were: weight , lenght and diameter, number of seeds, texture of shell and pulp, form of fruit and carpels, damage for pests and diseases. It also was carried out a bromatological analysis. As a result of the survey a collection was established with these species: squamosa, cherimola, reticulata, muricata, purpurea, diversifolia, holosericea and glabra. The morphological characterization Annona muricata showed an average of 175 seeds per fruit and an average weight of 1,319 grames per fruit. A. cherimola showed a very sandy pulp and non-prominent carpels. A. squamosa showed a sweet pulp, white and very prominent carpels. According to the bromatological characterization Annona muricata showed the higher humidity (82.8%), 1.84% of crude fiber, 367ppm of phosphorus. Annona diversifolia showed the lowest fat content of 0.01%. The highest pests was caused by Bephrateloides sp. and by Colletotrichum sp. in fruits and foliage.

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