
The denomination “school” in academic contexts carries with it a certain ambiguity. It can evoke a stimulating and innovative environment with a positive synergy between its members, but also a self-sufficient and almost complacent academic setting mainly concerned with preserving its own worldview. From this starting point, my contribution will reflect on the impact of the École de Paris within the field of Anglophone research on Greek religion and especially on animal sacrifice. Focus lies on how has the concept of a “Paris school” been handled within the study of Greek religion and what position it occupies among scholars working in this field. Four overlapping positions can be distinguished: (1) naming and using the Paris school as a theoretical approach, (2) critiques, which is also a form of interaction, (3) naming and referring in passing without an in depth engagement, and (4) studies on Greek sacrifice which do not use the term or comment on the Paris school.

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