
Efficient storage of the biological controlagent Trichogramma ostriniae couldimprove current parasitoid production methodsby making the system more flexible andefficient. Initial studies compared emergencerates of T. ostriniae reared onSitotroga cerealella eggs held at 6 °C, 9 °C, 12 °C,15 °C, and 24 °C for up to 8 weeks after parasitism.At 15 °C, emergence occurred in 80% for parasitized eggsstored at 9 °C and 12 °C for 4 and 6 weeksrespectively. Storage at 6 °C caused asignificant decline in emergence after 2 weeks. Subsequent trials focused on fitness of storedT. ostriniae. Percentage of emergedfemales parasitizing eggs, female longevity,and fecundity were quantified after storage.The percentage of females successfullyparasitizing O. nubilalis eggs wasgreatest for the 9 °C four-week treatment(100%). Compared to 24 °C controls, storage at12 °C for 6 weeks or at 9 °C for 8 weeks reduced thepercentage of females parasitizing. Longevityof females held in cold storage was generallyless than that of controls. Rates of parasitismby stored Trichogramma was generallysimilar to controls after 2 to 4 weeks' storageat 9 °C and 12 °C but declined with storage longerthan 4 weeks. Emergence of progeny of cold-storedfemales was lower than controls for alltreatments. The percentage of female progenyfrom cold stored females was comparable tocontrols up to 4 weeks of storage.

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