
<p>Cold pools are essential for organizing convection and play a particular role in convective initiation in the afternoon and evening. Both aspects are deficient in current convection-permitting models and a better representation of cold pools is likely necessary to overcome these deficiencies. In a recent investigation, we identified several sensitivities of cold pool driven convective initiation to model resolution within hectometer simulations. In particular, a causal graph analysis has revealed that the dominant impact of model resolution on convective initiation is due to too weak gust front vertical velocities. This implies that cold pool gust fronts in km-scale models are too weak to trigger sufficient new convection.</p><p>To address this deficiency, we develop a parameterization for the convection-permitting COSMO model to improve the representation of cold pool gust fronts. We use the potential temperature gradient to identify cold pool gust fronts and enhance vertical wind tendencies within these gust front regions.  Also, we perturb horizontal wind tendencies to yield 3d non-divergent perturbations.  This parameterization strengthens gust front circulations and thereby enhances cold pool driven convective initiation. Consequently, precipitation is amplified and becomes more organized in the afternoon and evening. This improves the diurnal cycle of precipitation and also has some positive impact on the spatial distribution as quantified by the fraction skill score. Furthermore, cold pools themselves are strengthened, which can further enhance the gust front circulations, giving rise to a feedback loop. </p>

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