
Coins from the excavations of the «T-4» site in 2018—2020, located in the Terrace City of Olbia, are introduced into scientific circulation. The total number of coins found during three years of research is 154 items, half of which are dolphin-shaped coins. These include a treasure of coins and bronze items, which, in particular, contained 26 casted dolphin-shaped coins. The coin in the shape of a «wheel» from the West Pontic city of Istria also belongs to the Classical period. Coins of the Hellenistic era from the excavations at the «T-4» sector are represented by denominations with images of Apollo, Demeter and the eagle on a dolphin, Tyche in a crown in the shape of a tower and an archer, and borysthenes coins. Among the numismatic monuments of this time is a rare coin of the city of byzantium of the IV c. BC, which confirms the evidence of the Olbian inscription (НО 9) on trade contacts between these cities during the Hellenistic period.
 The latest coins of the pre-Getae Olbia are represented by coins of the Asia Minor city of Amis, which are dated by the end of the II — the first half of the I c. BC. These are tetrachalkos with images of the Ares head in a helmet and a sword in sheath, and Aegis with the head of Medusa and Nike. Their appearance in Olbia is associated with the inclusion of the city in the Pontic state of Mithradates VI Eupator, in particular the localization of the Pontic garrison in Olbia.
 Coins of Roman times are represented by Olbian assarius such as Zeus / eagle of the middle of the I c. AD, dupondius of the second half of the II c, AD and a tressis depicting the Roman Empress Julia Mamaeia, which belongs to the last series of monetary units of the Olbian autonomous minting. In general, the available numismatic material from the excavations of the T-4 site is dated from the second half of the VI c. BC, and until the cessation of coinage in the second third of the III c. AD, i. e. covers all major chronological periods of existence of Olbian polis.


  • In 2018, in the Terrace City of Olbia, in order to resume the search for the theater, a new excavation site «T-4» was laid

  • Its presence is assumed due to the decrees of the Hellenistic time in honor of Callinicos (IOSPE I2 25), Anthesterion (Vinogradov 1984, p. 75), and the sons of Apollonius (НО 28), which contain the mention of the Olbian θέατρον

  • Kryzhytskyi in the late 1980s and early 1990s. These works can be united due to a small area of research and their location in different places of the Terrace City, the natural micro-relief of which suggests the construction of a theatron

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In 2018, in the Terrace City of Olbia, in order to resume the search for the theater, a new excavation site «T-4» was laid (fig. 1). Coins of the Hellenistic period from the excavations at the «T-4» sector are presented by small denominations with the image of Demeter or Apollo, and the city emblem — an eagle on a dolphin

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