
The athymic mouse xenograft system was used to prepare infectious stocks of two additional anogenital tissue-targeting human papillomaviruses (HPVs) in a manner similar to that for the development of infectious stocks of HPV-11. An anal condyloma from a transplant patient was used as material for extraction of infectious virus, and human foreskin fragments were incubated with the virus suspension and transplanted subrenally into athymic mice. Partial viral sequencing indicated that two rare HPV types (HPV-40 and HPVLVX82/MM7) were concurrently present in both the patient condyloma and the foreskin xenografts, and passage of both types was achieved as a mixed infection with HPV-40 predominating. Xenografts that developed from simultaneous infection of human foreskin fragments with HPV-11, -40, and -LVX82/MM7 virions produced regionally separate areas of HPV-11 and -40 infection as determined by in situ hybridization. In addition, in situ hybridization with HPV-40 and HPVLVX82/MM7 DNA probes demonstrated that both of these HPV types were present as adjacent but separate infections within the same anal condyloma of the transplant patient. These studies indicate that multiple HPV types can simultaneously infect genital tissue and that each HPV type predominantly maintains regional separation within the same papilloma.

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