
For a Hausdorff space X, let F be the hyperspace of all closed subsets of X and H a sublattice of F. Following Nogura and Shakhmatov, X is said to be H-trivial if the upper Kuratowski topology and the co-compact topology coincide on H. F-trivial spaces are the consonant spaces first introduced and studied by Dolecki, Greco and Lechicki. In this paper, we deal with K-trivial spaces and Fin-trivial space, where K and Fin are respectively the lattices of compact and of finite subsets of X. It is proved that if Ck(X) is a Baire space or more generally if X has ‘the moving off property’ of Gruenhage and Ma, then X is K-trivial. If X is countable, then Cp(X) is Baire if and only if X is Fin-trivial and all compact subsets of X are finite. As for consonant spaces, it turns out that every regular K-trivial space is a Prohorov space. This result remains true for any regular Fin-trivial space in which all compact subsets are scattered. It follows that every regular first countable space without isolated points, all compact subsets of which are countable, is Fin-nontrivial. Examples of K-trivial non-consonant spaces, of Fin-trivial K-nontrivial spaces and of countably compact Prohorov Fin-nontrivial spaces, are given. In particular, we show that all (generalized) Fréchet–Urysohn fans are K-trivial, answering a question by Nogura and Shakhmatov. Finally, we describe an example of a continuous open compact-covering mapping f:X→Y, where X is Prohorov and Y is not Prohorov, answering a long-standing question by Topsøe.

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