
The Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) birth cohort was set up in The Netherlands with two main aims: to investigate the effect of mite-allergen avoidance on the incidence of childhood asthma (Intervention study) and to assess lifestyle and environmental risk factors for childhood asthma (Natural History study). The baseline study population consisted of 3963 children born in 1996– 1997. Questionnaires were completed by parents during pregnancy, when the child was 3 months old, then annually from 1 up to 8 years and by parents as well as children at 11 and 14 years. Data were obtained on child and family characteristics, a wide range of environmental and lifestyle exposures and on asthma and other allergic and respiratory outcomes. Home visits and clinical examinations were conducted in sub-groups at the ages of 1, 4, 8 and 12 years to obtain objective measures. These included anthropometric measures, measurements of lung function, bronchial hyper-responsiveness and blood pressure, house dust and blood samples, which were used to determine total and specific IgEs, cholesterol and HbA1c and to extract DNA.

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