
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center quantum system in diamond has shown great application potential in the fields of solid-state quantum computing and quantum precision measurement because of its unique advantages such as single-spin addressing and manipulation and long quantum coherence time at room temperature. The precise manipulation technology of single spin is particularly important for the development of the application of NV center. The common spin manipulation methods used in NV center quantum system are to drive and manipulate the electron spin by resonant alternating magnetic field. In recent years, the electrical control of quantum spin has attracted extensive attention. In this paper, the use of alternating electric field to control the electron spin of NV center has been studied. The alternating electric field generated by the electrode successfully drives the Rabi oscillation of the NV center spin between the $\Delta m_s=\pm2$ magnetic-dipole forbidden energy levels of $|m_s=-1\rangle$ and $|m_s=+1\rangle$. Further studies show that the frequency of the electrically driven Rabi oscillation is controlled by the power of the driven electric field and independent of the resonant frequency of the electric field. The combination of spin electric control and magnetic control technology can realize the full manipulation of the direct transition between the three spin energy levels of NV center, thus promoting the development of the research and applications of NV quantum system in the fields of quantum simulation, quantum computing, precision measurement of electromagnetic field and so on.

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