
We demonstrate the coherent control of spontaneous emission for a three-level atom located within a photonic band-gap structure with one resonant frequency near the edge of the photonic band gap. Spontaneous emission from the three-level atom can be totally suppressed or strongly enhanced depending on the relative phase between the steady-state control laser coupling the two upper levels and the pump laser pulse used to create an excited state of the atom in the form of a coherent superposition of the two upper levels. Unlike the free-space case, the steady-state inversion of the atomic system is strongly dependent on the externally prescribed initial conditions. This nonzero steady-state population is achieved by virtue of the localization of light in the vicinity of the emitting atom. It is robust to decoherence effects provided that the Rabi frequency of the control laser field-atom interaction exceeds the rate of dephasing interactions. As a result, such a system may be relevant for a single-atom, phase-sensitive, optical memory device on the atomic scale. The protected electric dipole within the photonic band gap provides a basis for a qubit to encode information for quantum computations.

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