
Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy gives direct insight into the coherent dynamics of vibrational wavepacket motion [1] and subsequent vibronic relaxation processes [2] of organic molecules in solution. We have studied the ultrafast dynamics of dye molecules in temporally and spectrally resolved experiments on a 20 fs time scale. To separate the contributions from the ground and the excited states, a two-color scheme was employed. Blue pulses were used to excite a small fraction of the molecules to higher excited electronic states Sn (n >> 1) and the evolving dynamics was probed either with the red pulses tuned to the S0-S1 transition or directly with the blue pulses [3].KeywordsProbe PulseUltrafast DynamicFemtosecond Time ScaleVibrational DephasingGround State MotionThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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