
The ability of two photons to interfere lies at the heart of many photonic quantum networking concepts and requires that the photons are indistinguishable with sufficient coherence times to resolve the interference signals. However, for solid-state quantum light sources, this can be challenging to achieve as they are in constant interaction with noise sources in their environment. Here, we investigate the noise sources that affect InAs/InP quantum dots emitting in the telecom C-band by comparing their behavior on a wetting layer for Stranski–Krastanov grown quantum dots with a nearly wetting layer-free environment achieved with the droplet epitaxy growth mode. We show that the droplet epitaxy growth mode is beneficial for a quiet environment, leading to 96% of exciton transitions having a coherence time longer than the typical detector resolution of 100 ps, even under non-resonant excitation. We also show that the decay profile indicates the presence of slow dephasing processes, which can be compensated for experimentally. We finally conduct Hong–Ou–Mandel interference measurements between subsequently emitted photons and find a corrected two-photon interference visibility of 98.6 ± 1.6% for droplet-epitaxy grown quantum dots. The understanding of the influence of their surroundings on the quantum optical properties of these emitters is important for their optimization and use in future quantum networking applications.

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