
Decision-making is a region of intense study in neuroscience, and cognitive neuroscience, In real, World decision processes, management decisions emerge from complexly interlinked, This paper explores how brain absorbs information, recognizes and frames problematic situations, and chooses appropriate responses, Brain structures suggest that brain considers various sources of information before making decision, Brain imaging technologies have stimulated neuro (managerial) studies of internal order of mind and its links with bandwidth of human decisions, How is (managerial) decision making processes carried out in brain? What are the limits of understanding thinking as a form of computing? How does previous experience alter behavior? Do we interpret research findings when neuro (managerial) logical results conflict? Imaging is an important aspect of dynamic capabilities and there is an increasing amount of evidence of how evolutionary patterns are shaped, There are yet unsolved problems in (managerial) cognition, although some of these problems have evidence supporting a hypothesized solution, and the field is rapidly evolving, What are the general implications of neuro (managerial) management? There are unsolved Research issues; how does Manager decide in a state of vacillation, Risk and Probability? How does Manager decide in state of VUCA (Uncertainty, Vulnerability, Complexity and Ambiguity? How do we make decisions? How do human brains compute and represent abstract ideas? What counts as explanation of how brain works (what are function, algorithm and implementation)? This paper attempts at addressing current pace of advances in methods (fMRI, BOLD, EEG, ECG, etc), where we are going, and what we ought to research next, This provides conceptual framework for understanding and conducting Neuro (managerial) management research at intersection of neuro (managerial) science, management and psychology, offer solution through measurements of brain activity at time of decisions, linking and spanning neuro(managerial) biological and psychological and management levels of analysis.

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