
Introduction . The relevance of studies of cognitive style of teaching in the aspect of effective personalization of education is extremely high. It is obvious that the problem of inefficiency of modern education is important, it requires research and solutions. One of the possible solutions to this problem can be personalized learning, while taking into account cognitive characteristics of students in the context of personalization of learning is a factor of increasing the productivity of the personalized approach. Researches of these features and development of recommendations for personalization taking into account the cognitive style of a student definitely expand the possibilities of modern education. The aim of the study was to determine the parameters of cognitive style of students of psychological and psychological-pedagogical specialties and possible personalized approaches to education of such students. Materials and methods. The study was carried out on a sample of 86 masters aged 22 to 32, enrolled in master's programs in the areas of "Psychology" and "Psychological and pedagogical education" with the use of five psychodiagnostic tests. The tests used included: "The Gottschaldt figures", The Honey-Mumford learning styles questionnaire (LSQ), The G. Eysenck personality inventory (EPI), The Melbourne questionnaire of decision making (IDLO), The A. Karpov questionnaire of reflexivity. Results: it was found that characteristic features of cognitive style of students of psychological areas are: field independence, reflective learning style, the tendency to clarify the objectives and goals when making decisions in an uncertain situation, consideration of alternatives, additional information search, evaluation of information in the implementation of the choice, the average level of reflexivity. Discussion and Conclusions. The study showed a wide variety of cognitive and personal characteristics of students on potentially significant in the aspect of learning indicators, which confirms the need for a personalized approach to learning. The revealed features of cognitive teaching styles of students-psychologists were analyzed and generalized, recommendations were formulated for the personalization of learning taking into account the cognitive style. Generalizing conclusions were made about: the need to take into account and control the parameters of cognitive style in the personalization of learning, the need to personalize the training of students with specific cognitive features, the possibility of dividing the student group into subgroups according to cognitive specificity, followed by training in such subgroups taking into account the specific cognitive characteristics of students.


  • The relevance of studies of cognitive style of teaching in the aspect of effective personalization of education is extremely high

  • The study showed a wide variety of cognitive and personal characteristics of students on potentially significant in the aspect of learning indicators, which confirms the need for a personalized approach to learning

  • The revealed features of cognitive teaching styles of students-psychologists were analyzed and generalized, recommendations were formulated for the personalization of learning taking into account the cognitive style

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Педагогическая психология

Одним из возможных путей решения данной проблемы может быть персонализация обучения, при этом учет когнитивных особенностей обучающихся в контексте персонализации обучения выступает фактором повышения продуктивности персонализированного подхода, а исследования таких особенностей и разработка рекомендаций по персонализации обучения с учетом когнитивного стиля определенно расширяют возможности современного образования. Выявленные особенности когнитивных стилей учения студентов-психологов были проанализированы и обобщены, были сформулированы рекомендации по персонализации обучения с учетом когнитивного стиля. Pedagogical psychology учета и контроля параметров когнитивного стиля при персонализации обучения, о необходимости персонализации обучения студентов со специфическими когнитивными особенностями, о возможностях разбиения студенческой группы на подгруппы по когнитивной специфике с последующим обучением в таких подгруппах с учетом специфических когнитивных особенностей студентов. Для цитирования: Сорокоумова С.Н., Елшанский С.П., Пучкова Е.Б., Суховершина Ю.В.

Discussion and Conclusions
Обзор литературы
Материалы и методы
Результаты исследования
Обсуждение и заключения
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