
To report cognitive outcomes of preterm infants evaluated in a single center between 1980 and 2015. Cognitive scores at a median age of 33 months were collected in preterm infants (birthweight ≤ 1000 g). Cognition was assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development and the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales. Six-hundred and two infants born between 1980 and 2015 were evaluated. Significant cognitive impairment for all infants decreased by 9.4% (p = 0.015) across the study period. For larger infants (birthweight ≥ 750 g), significant impairment decreased by 14.6% (p = 0.002). In smaller infants (birthweight < 750 g) no significant changes were observed in cognitive outcomes over the study period. Overall, long-term outcomes of ELBW infants in our cohort showed significant improvement since 1980. Significant impairment decreased in infants with BW ≥ 750 g; and, despite increased survival of smaller (BW < 750 g) and sicker infants, significant impairment in that subgroup did not worsen over time.

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