
Doctoring is difficult mental work, involving many cognitively demanding processes such as diagnosing, decision-making, parallel processing, communicating, and managing the emotions of others. According to cognitive load theory (CLT), working memory is a limited cognitive resource that can support a finite amount of cognitive load. While the intrinsic cognitive load is the innate load associated with a task, the extraneous load is generated by inefficiency or suboptimal work conditions. Causes of extraneous cognitive load in healthcare include inefficiency, distractions, interruptions, multitasking, stress, poor communication, conflict, and incivility. High levels of cognitive load are associated with impaired function and an increased risk of burnout among physicians. Cognitive ergonomics is the branch of human factors and ergonomics (HFE) focused on supporting the cognitive processes of individuals within a system. In health care, where the cognitive burden on physicians is high, cognitive ergonomics can establish practices and systems that decrease extraneous cognitive load and support pertinent cognitive processes. In this review, we present cognitive ergonomics as a useful framework for conceptualizing an oft-overlooked dimension oflaborand apply theory to practice by summarizing evidence-based cognitive ergonomics interventions for outpatient care settings. Our proposed interventions are structured within four general recommendations: 1. minimize distractions, interruptions, and multitasking; 2. optimize the use of the electronic health record (EHR); 3. optimize the use of health information systems (HIS); and 4. support good communication and teamwork. Best practices in cognitive ergonomics can benefit patients, minimize practice inefficiency, and support physician career longevity.

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