
In respect of the transformation of the institution of family and marriage that occur in modern society, the problem of studying the content and structural characteristics and socio-psychological determinants of family self-determination of young people is of a particular relevance. The purpose of the study is to diagnose the connection of cognitive abilities (intelligence, pragmatism - active imagination, conservatism - radicalism) and the content and structural characteristics of family self-determination in adolescence. A set of the following complementary research methods was used: theoretical and methodological analysis of literature sources, questionnaires, psychodiagnostic techniques (the Cattell’s 16 PF test, the semantic differential technique developed by Charles Osgood, the “Level of Value-Availability Ratio in Different Life Spheres” questionnaire of E.B. Fantalova, the “Uncompleted Sentences” projective technique and “Test of Life-Purpose Orientations” of D.A. Leontiev), as well as methods of applied statistics (the Mann — Whitney U-test, the Spearmans rank correlation coefficient). Cognitive abilities are seen as an essential factor that plays an important role in the development of family self-determination in adolescence. The results of the study presented in the article show that cognitive abilities determine the development of the following components of self-determination in adolescence: cognitive, value and emotional, regulatory and behavioral, motivation, reflection. When assessing the connections between cognitive abilities and components of family self-determination, both general and specific peculiarities are observed among young males and females. The obtained results will be useful for purposeful formation of family self-determination in youth under the conditions of educational environment of a higher educational institution.

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