
This article presents the results of an empirical study of tolerance as a systemic socio-psychological quality of personality. The aim of the work was to study the cognitive and regulatory foundations for the formation of schoolchildrens tolerance in the context of inclusive education. Tolerance was considered by us as a systemic formation of components. The cognitive component was studied on the basis of a cognitive-style approach. The regulatory component was identified through the establishment of types of mental self-regulation of an individual. The communicative component was studied in the course of carrying out the corrective program developed by us. In the course of theoretical analysis and empirical research, the concept of the phenomenon of tolerance as put up has been expanded and deepened. The influence of psychic regulation and cognitive styles of "field dependence" - "field independence", "flexibility" - "rigidity" on the ability to form tolerance in students has been established. For the first time, understanding of tolerance in the context of disclosing the correlation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative components is justified. There is a formation of the ability to psychological non-aggressive resistance to unacceptable norms and values. Creative interaction is expressed in the form of consent and acceptance. Empirically tested the effectiveness of the correctional program for the formation of tolerance in schoolchildren and the construction of an inclusive culture of the educational organization. The results can be used in psychological and pedagogical activity as a means of creating tolerance for people with disabilities.

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