
Sport evokes a number of bright and powerful emotions not only in a viewer, but also in all participants of sports events. Emotivity is a component of the communicative function of language and allows the speaker to express their emotions, feelings and impressions. In modern linguistics, a lot of attention is being given to various types of discourse. One of the most important tasks of modern linguistics is to find methods for studying institutional discourses, which would make it possible to investigate the structure of discourses and the social, mental, and cultural features of sports communication in detail. This paper deals with the sports discourse and its participants: sports officials. The article presents the first refereeing experience of two ice hockey representatives of prestigious ice hockey leagues - the Kontinental Hockey League and the National Hockey League. The article carries out a detailed analysis of the speech of two sports officials - Eduard Odin'sh and Greg Devorski. The article focuses on the linguistic and extra-linguistic features of professional speech of these informants. The material under analysis includes interviews with these sports referees in the Russian-language and English-language media. Interview is considered to be one of the main information genres in journalism. The authors characterize the cognitive experience of these personalities in the field of sports. The results of this analysis help create a collective linguistic image of the hockey official's personality. The article presents an overview of modern methods of analyzing sports discourse which were used in the study of interview fragments. Since discourse is a complex and ambivalent phenomenon, the authors used the following types of analysis in their work: non-formal analysis (which includes structural and stylistic analyses), and the method of discourse analysis (the method of linguistic analysis).

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