
The Central and Eastern Euro-pean (CEE) market for cogenerationequipment displays relatively low lev-els of saturation and appears poised toenjoy a healthy upsurge in sales, ac-cording to a new Frost & Sullivanstudy.Initial growth monitored in theCEE cogeneration market seems stimu-lated by the widespread restructuringof the energy sector currently sweepingthe region. Demand for new facilitiesremains increasingly prevalent, drivingpotential users of cogeneration systems to opt for on-site generation asit becomes increasingly viable in economic terms.Eastern bloc countries have been restructuring their economies,and this has meant a decrease in their needs for industrial power. Butthe overall demand for energy by industry is increasing, as well as in allareas. In recent years, over 40 percent of cogeneration equipment salesto Europe have been by the industrial sector.In most countries, cogeneration installations are old, and often in-efficient. In heat and power generation and distribution, losses are esti-mated to be around 25-30 percent.

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