
We have developed a new heterologous expression system for monocarboxylate transporters. The system is based on a Saccharomyces cerevisiae pyk1 mae1 jen1 triple-deletion strain that is auxotrophic for pyruvate and deficient in monocarboxylate uptake. Growth of the yeast cells on ethanol medium supplemented with pyruvate or lactate was dependent on the expression of a suitable monocarboxylate transporter. We have used the system to characterize the functional significance of interactions between the rat MCT1 transporter and its ancillary protein CD147. CD147 was shown to improve trafficking of MCT1 to the plasma membrane and its uptake activity. Our results demonstrate a new strategy for the production of properly folded and correctly targeted membrane proteins in a microbial expression system by co-expression of appropriate accessory proteins.

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