
The quasi-one-dimensional conductors have so far being studied for a long period (see Review [1]). Also these systems are now of interest for both theoreticians and experimentators (see Review [2]). This interest, on the one hand, is due to advances in synthesis of polyacetylene (PA) polydiacetylene (PDA), organic crystalline conductors based on6 molecular donors and acceptor of electron [2]. On the other hand, one-dimensional (1-d) conductors are nontrivial systems. Thus, 1-d metal is unstable to the transition in semi-conducting state. As a result, the simple 1-d metal with half-filled conduction band becomes the Mott semi-conductor or Peierls semi-conductor [1, 2]. The Peierls transition leads to dimerization - or bond length alternation - of the uniform 1-d lattice and semi-conducting energy gap is proportional to the dimerization amplitude. The Mott transition is a result of electron correlation and energy gap in the Mott semi-conductor vanishes with decreasing electron-electron interaction strength (see Refs. [1, 2] and references there-in). The semi-conductor of the Mott and Peierls type possesses some properties of interest. The Mott semi-conductors axe characterized by antiferromagnetic structures [2, 3]. In the Peierls semi-conductors the kink-type excitations are possible [4, 5].KeywordsGround State EnergyOrganic ConductorBond Length AlternationCyclic ChainPeierls TransitionThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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