
Intraductal proliferative lesions of the breast (IPL) represent to varying degrees a higher risk of ipsilateral or contralateral invasive carcinoma of the breast. In our study we conducted morphologic and immunohistochemical analysis of breast resection specimens obtained from breast conserving surgery due invasive carcinoma. We observed the presence of various forms of IPL near low grade invasive carcinoma NST (33) and tubular carcinoma (13). In addition to usual ductal hyperplasia and atypical ductal hyperplasia we also observed the presence of columnar changes, flat epithelial atypia, lobular neoplasia, apocrine metaplasia and benign forms of stromal fibroproliferations. For IPL we specified the morphology, grade of atypia and status of estrogen and progesteron receptors. We divided stromal changes into three categories: fibrous, fibrocystic mastopathy and fibroadenoma like proliferations. The results confirm especially a frequent coexistence of columnar changes, lobular neoplasia and tubular carcinoma. A statistical profile of IPL in relation to invasive carcinome NST also shows specific stereo-typias, which, however, differ from those in tubular carcinoma. More extensive discussion and precise statistical analysis is a part of poster presentation.

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