
We report an autopsy case of a 56-year-old male patient with the coexistence of dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) and Parkinson's disease (PD). He presented with gait instability and dysarthria for 10 years. The removed brain showed general atrophy (988 g) with depigmentation of the substantia nigra. The neocortex and deep gray matter, including the red nucleus, subthalamic nuclei, and globus pallidus, were atrophic, and grumose degeneration of the cerebellar dentate nucleus was observed. Polyglutamine- and p62-positive neuronal inclusions were present and widespread in the areas mentioned above. Interestingly, this case also had brainstem-predominant PD pathology with α-synuclein-positive Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. Generalized white matter atrophy with patchy loss of astrocytes in the white matter suggested glial dysfunction by elongated CAG repeats in the atrophin 1 gene (atrophin 1). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fragment analysis revealed increased CAG repeats (61) on atrophin 1 encoding atrophin 1. The patient had a family history of DRPLA, including his daughter, who was confirmed positive on genetic testing (CAG repeat: 65). His father, brother, and niece were suspected of having the disease. Clinicopathologically, all of the above findings are consistent with the coexistence of DRPLA and PD. So far, various overlapping neurodegenerative disorders have been reported, but the coexistence of DRPLA and PD has never been demonstrated in the published literature. Even though the exact time of PD development is unknown in this case, PD might develop after DRPLA, and the overwhelming symptoms of DRPLA might mask those of PD. Here, we report a clinicopathologically definite case of the coexistence of DRPLA and PD. White matter degeneration with patchy loss of astrocytes was another remarkable finding of this case.

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